These FAQs are specific to LSM BBA and Diploma students. 

If you can't find an answer on this page, please email


Students have the flexibility to study part-time (3 to 6 credits) or full-time (9 to 15 credits) per term.  Note: Students with funding/a student loan and/or international students may have different conditions.  

Langara has 3 terms (semesters) each year. Students are not required to enroll in all 3 terms. Note: Students with funding/a student loan and/or international students may have different conditions.  

Please consult with your ISC (international student coordinator) and/or email  

You will be able to see all the required courses for your program and how your completed/registered courses fit into the program by utilizing the online graduation evaluation tool. Access it by logging into your myLangara account, go to Registration Menu, and look for ‘Student Graduation Evaluation.’  Please note that it is not an official evaluation and only the Graduation Department can confirm that graduation requirements have been met. 

When students ask for recommendations on what to take in their 1st and 2nd year, we typically recommend for them to complete the Diploma of the same concentration. It gives them the best foundation and prerequisites to progress into 3rd and 4th year. The Diploma of the same concentration essentially works out to be year one and year two of the BBA.  On the Diploma/BBA Important Info page you will find the Diploma planning guides. Please have a look if you are considering the Diploma.  The courses marked with an * are bridging courses and required for both the Diploma and the BBA of the same concentration.  Note:  The courses that are required for the Diploma but not for the BBA will end up being electives for the BBA.   

Not every course is available every term. 

All LSM students are encouraged to check past course schedules to see when their courses have been offered in past terms. Students should also contact program advising at 

The online course description will include the most up-to-date prerequisite information for a course.  

Note: LSM is not in the practice of granting prerequisite overrides.  

All prerequisite requirements must be met before a student is eligible to enroll in an LSM course (BUSM/MARK/FMGT/BCAP/INTB). It is important to note that concurrent enrollment is not permitted. 


Note: Langara courses in progress can be used as prerequisites when registering for courses; however, when final grades are updated, students who do not meet the minimum grade requirements for the prerequisite course will be dropped from their registered course automatically. 

The School of Management does not provide on-the-spot transfer credit assessments. Transfer credit requests are processed by Registrar and Enrolment Services. For more information, visit the Transfer Credit page. The transfer credit process can sometimes take up to 8 weeks. For more details, contact 
BBA work requirement – referred to as ‘practicum’ on the BBA grad eval. Most students will complete minimum one COOP work term to meet this requirement. Others who have previous or current employment in a role/field related to their concentration may request Flexible Assessment/Practicum. It is never too early to connect with the COOP team to discuss how COOP and Flexible Assessment/Practicum works – Note: EXPE 2300 is a prerequisite course for those interested in a COOP work term and cannot be used as an elective.  

If a student has completed an applicable course at a different accredited post-secondary institution, that course will need to be transferred in and updated to their record before it can be applied as a prerequisite for an LSM course (BUSM/MARK/FMGT/BCAP/INTB). 


If a student has completed a course outside Langara that may be considered equivalent to a prerequisite requirement for business courses (BCAP, BUSM, FMGT, INTB, and MARK), they will need to have the course on their Langara transcript in the form of transfer credits before they can register into the business courses that require the prerequisite. 


Note: Prerequisites for MATH and STAT courses are only valid for three years.  

LSM program advising are not career advisors. The Co-op and Career Development Centre hosts a variety of workshops and events for Langara students.  We encourage you to connect with them at  
Many courses required for LSM business diplomas have an English prerequisite and we advise for all students to meet the English prerequisite early. One option to meet this is to write the Langara English Test (LET). Another option is to enroll in an ENGL upgrading level course such as ENGL 1107. Please contact the ENGL department at for more details. 

If you are in a BBA program and want to complete a 2-year diploma program, there is no need for you to change programs. Many BBA students will complete both the BBA and the Diploma of the same concentration. 


BBA students also have the option to exit the program after completing only the LSM diploma. They can then choose to return in future semesters to complete the BBA program. 

To change from one BBA concentration to another (for example from BBA Business Management to BBA Marketing Management), please use the online LSM Program Switch Request Form.  This is available each term, approximately 6 to 8 weeks before registration for the next term.  


Once active, the link will be posted on this page: 


NOTE: All LSM BBA students are emailed once a term with important information for the next registration period, including deadlines for program changes, etc. We advise all students to regularly monitor their myLangara email. 

Although Upper Division (Term U) is not mandatory, it is strongly recommended. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) students with Upper Division status register one day before BBA Lower Division (term L) students. This is beneficial when trying to register for the in-demand upper level courses that may only have one section. To progress to Upper Division, students must: 

  • Have completed a minimum of 60 credits; 
  • Have completed all bridging courses* for their concentration with a minimum “C” grade; 
  • Have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.33. 

* Bridging courses are the required first year and second year courses for the BBA program. 

Note: Courses that are in progress cannot be used to meet the above requirements. 


Students who are eligible for Upper Division progression may submit the Upper Division Progression Request Form in advance of registration for the next term.  


The form will be made available at the beginning of each term, meaning that these are accepted 3 times a year. The deadline to submit varies every semester.  


Check the Program and Course Updates page and your myLangara email for important dates and deadlines for each semester. 

In addition to the Langara's Academic Standing requirements, BBA students are also required to meet the program's Maintenance of Standing requirement. BBA students who have completed a minimum of 60 credits must maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.33. Students who are unable to attain this minimum will be removed from the BBA program and placed in an Arts and Science open-enrollment program.  


This is not a permanent removal from the BBA Program. Once a student attains a minimum 2.33 CGPA, they will be eligible for reinstatement for a future term. In the meantime a student can continue their studies while in an Arts and Science program. Please note that several required upper-level BBA courses are restricted to BBA students. 


IMPORTANT: A student who is reinstated into the BBA Program after removal for not meeting Maintenance of Standing requirements will have a new BBA program start date. This means that students must meet the program/curriculum requirements in effect during the term of their official reinstatement.  

  • BBA students who have not enrolled in courses for 3 or more consecutive semesters are removed from the program. Students may contact the LSM Program Advisors to request to be reinstated back into the BBA program prior to the semester that they wish to return to the program. Students who are reinstated for extended absence can continue to follow the program requirements in place when they started the program. 
  • A student can be removed from the LSM BBA for not following the program curriculum (for example taking too many non-required courses). 
  • A student can be removed for not meeting the BBA Mainenance of Standing. Please related FAQ. 

When a student returns following suspension, they are not automatically placed back into their original program. Students must successfully complete at least one full term of study before they will be considered for reinstatement to their original LSM program.  


A term will be considered successfully completed if the student has:  

  • maintained a full-time course load, and  
  • taken required courses for the program the student wants to return to (or necessary prerequisites), and  
  • achieved minimum “C” grades in each course (or “S” grades in ungraded prerequisite courses)  


The department will use these criteria to determine if a student is academically prepared to succeed in their intended program of study. A student who meets these criteria can email once final grades have been posted to their myLangara transcript at the end of their first term back at the college. If approved for reinstatement, the department will return the student to their original program for the next registration period. This means that students who pursue reinstatement to their old program following academic suspension must be prepared to spend a minimum of two terms in an open enrollment arts and science program. 

After reviewing your program requirements, please consult with LSM Program Advising to discuss your course plan at 

An LSM course may be attempted twice. If a 3rd attempt is needed, please email to request a repeat limit override and include a brief explanation. Note: A repeat override is not always guaranteed to be approved and is only valid for one term.  

If requesting a repeat limit override for an upper-level course, a meeting with a program advisor or department chair may be required. 

To graduate from the BBA program, students must: 

Complete a minimum 123 credits; 

Have a minimum CGPA of 2.33; 

Achieve a minimum “C” grade in all bridging courses and all core business-related third- and fourth-year courses (BCAP, BUSM, FMGT, INTB, or MARK courses numbered 3XXX or 4XXX). 

All BBA concentrations include a work requirement.* 

*Here is the website link for the BBA Work Experience Options page:    

Note: The Graduation Department is the only department that can confirm whether graduation requirements have been met. Students who are registering for their last semester or are already in their last semester can request to meet with a Graduation Advisor to discuss their graduation requirements. 

Student may calculate their CGPA by following the steps provided by the registrar’s website at 

Yes, all final exams (and possibly midterms) for LSM online courses are held in-person on campus. Students who are unable to write the exam(s) in-person on campus need to consult with their instructor and arrange off campus invigilation. Students are responsible for finding, arranging, and paying for an approved invigilator to write the final exam.

Check the Remote Examination Procedure here.

To check for scholarship availability, visit the Langara School of Management Scholarship Opportunities page for more information. For more information about other general scholarships, please visit the Langara. Student Services: Financial Aid: Langara Scholarships.
Students pursuing CPA designation are advised to keep up to date with the latest CPA PEP prerequisite requirements. For more information please visit the CPA Website. 

Did you know that free peer tutoring is available through the Writing and Tutoring Centre in Langara's Learning Commons? If you're looking for tutoring help for courses FMGT 1115, 1116, 1215, 2293, and 2294, BCAP, Microsoft Office, Brightspace (D2L) visit the Learning Commons website for more information.


The Math & Stats Activity Centre (MSAC) is a place where students can gather to work on, discuss, and obtain assistance with problems in Mathematics and Statistics. There are books, computers, and other tools for exploration, including reference books and texts. You can speak with both Peer and Faculty tutors. Visit the MSAC website for more information.  

Diploma FAQ

Students have the flexibility to study part-time (3 to 6 credits) or full-time (9 to 15 credits) per term.  Note: Students with funding/a student loan and/or international students may have different conditions.  

Langara has 3 terms (semesters) each year. Students are not required to enroll in all 3 terms. Note: Students with funding/a student loan and/or international students may have different conditions.  

Please consult with your ISC (international student coordinator) and/or email 

You will be able to see all the required courses for your program and how your completed/registered courses fit into the program by utilizing the online graduation evaluation tool. Access it by logging into your myLangara account, go to Registration Menu, and look for ‘Student Graduation Evaluation.’  Please note that it is not an official evaluation and only the Graduation Department can confirm that graduation requirements have been met. 

We also recommend for you to access the online diploma planning guide for your program. It will include all the required courses for your program, prerequisite information and when courses are typically offered.  


Note: We encourage students to use both the online graduation evaluation and  planning guide as they progress in their program.  

The online course description will include the most up to date prerequisite information for a course.  


Note: LSM is not in the practice of granting prerequisite overrides.  

All prerequisite requirements must be met before a student is eligible to enroll in an LSM course (BUSM/MARK/FMGT/BCAP/INTB). It is important to note that concurrent enrollment is not permitted. 


Note: Langara courses in progress can be used as prerequisites when registering for courses; however, when final grades are updated, students who do not meet the minimum grade requirements for the prerequisite course will be dropped from their registered course automatically. 

If a student has completed an applicable course at a different accredited post-secondary institution, that course will need to be transferred in and updated to their record  before it can be applied as a prerequisite for an LSM course (BUSM/MARK/FMGT/BCAP/INTB). 


If a student has completed a course outside Langara that may be considered equivalent to a prerequisite requirement for business courses (BCAP, BUSM, FMGT, INTB, and MARK), they will need to have the course on their Langara transcript in the form of transfer credits before they can register into the business courses that require the prerequisite. 


Note: Prerequisites for MATH and STAT courses are only valid for three years.  

The School of Management does not provide on-the-spot transfer credit assessments. Transfer credit requests are processed by Registrar and Enrolment Services. For more information, visit the Transfer Creditpage.The transfer credit process can sometimes take up to 8 weeks. For more details, contact 
Many courses required for LSM business diplomas have an English prerequisite and we advise for all students to meet the English prerequisite early. One option to meet this is to write the Langara English Test (LET). Another option is to enroll in an ENGL upgrading level course such as ENGL 1107. Please contact the ENGL department at for more details. 

COOP is an option for LSM Diploma students. To view eligibility requirements please refer to the Coop department website at 


To change from one diploma concentration to another (for example from Diploma Business Management to Diploma Marketing Management), please use the online LSM Program Switch Request Form.  This is available each term, approximately 6 to 8 weeks before registration for the next term.  


Once active, the link will be posted on this page: 


NOTE: All LSM Diploma students are emailed once a term with important information for the next registration period, including deadlines for program changes, etc. We advise all students to regularly monitor their myLangara email. 

To change from an LSM Diploma to an Arts and Science (open-enrollment) program, please use the online Program Change Request form. This change is facilitated through Registrar and Enrolment Services.  

To change from an LSM Diploma to a BBA program, please submit an application. 


IMPORTANT NOTE: When a student changes programs/concentrations, they will have a new start date/catalog term.  That means whatever program requirements are in effect the term the change takes place, will apply to the student.  

If a student does not study for 3 consecutive terms, they can be removed from the LSM diploma program for extended absence. If a student wishes to return, they need to email to request reinstatement at least 6 weeks before registration starts for the term they wish to resume studies.  


A students can also be removed from the LSM diploma for not following the program curriculum (for example taking too many non-required courses). 


Students who graduate from LSM Diploma programs will be moved to an open-enrollment arts and science program once their diploma has been completed. Diploma graduates who intend to pursue the BBA are advised to apply to the BBA during their final year of diploma studies.  

When a student returns following suspension, they are not automatically placed back into their original program. Students must successfully complete at least one full term of study before they will be considered for reinstatement to their original LSM program.  


A term will be considered successfully completed if the student has:  

maintained a full-time course load, and  

taken required courses for the program the student wants to return to (or necessary prerequisites), and  

achieved minimum “C” grades in each course (or “S” grades in ungraded prerequisite courses)  


The department will use these criteria to determine if a student is academically prepared to succeed in their intended program of study. A student who meets these criteria can email once final grades have been posted to their myLangara transcript at the end of their first term back at the college. If approved for reinstatement, the department will return the student to their original program for the next registration period. This means that students who pursue reinstatement to their old program following academic suspension must be prepared to spend a minimum of two terms in an open enrollment arts and science program. 

After reviewing your program requirements, please consult with LSM Program Advising to discuss your course plan at 
An LSM course may be attempted twice. If a 3rd attempt is needed, please email to request a repeat limit override and include a brief explanation. Note: A repeat override is not always guaranteed to be approved and is only valid for one term.  
A minimum CGPA of 2.0 is required to graduate with an LSM Diploma.

Student may calculate their CGPA by following the steps provided by the registrar’s website at 

Yes, all final exams (and possibly midterms) for LSM online courses are held in-person on campus. Students who are unable to write the exam(s) in-person on campus need to consult with their instructor and arrange off campus invigilation. Students are responsible for finding, arranging, and paying for an approved invigilator to write the final exam.

Check the Remote Examination Procedure here.

Typically, students who plan to transfer to other business schools, for example UBC Sauder or SFU Beedie, enroll in either Diploma Commerce or Associate of Arts Commerce and Business Studies. It is not mandatory for a student to complete either program or any program at Langara before they transfer, and they can transfer as soon as they are eligible. We also recommend for all students to consult with your transfer school(s) directly and to attend an info session for more detailed information. 

UBC Sauder planning: Langara. Student Services: Counselling: University Planning Guides: UBC (Vancouver) Course Planning Guides 

SFU Beedie planning guide: Langara. Student Services: Counselling: University Planning Guides: Simon Fraser University Admission Requirements 

NOTE: To check course transferability from one institution to another: Search Courses - BC Transfer Guide